Due to its availability and abundance in Alberta, opioid use has skyrocketed. This epidemic is not only increasing stress on emergency services tasked with dealing with overdoses, it also fosters an environment where petty crime and theft are increasing due to users seeking more funds to purchase Fentanyl.
This 8-hr course will provide the student with the necessary skills to confidently present an Opioid Awareness course. The class will be presented with both theory and practical portions designed to enhance the student’s knowledge and practical experience in Opioid Awareness.
This course includes an instructor-led review of the current Red Tail Opioid Awareness course, instructor-led practical skills assessment, instructor manual, class discussion, student-led presentations, and access to additional resources through the Red Tail website portal. Upon successful completion of both the Train the Trainer course and a course audit, the instructor will be certified for three years.
Enrollment Price: $450.00/seat *
* Price may differ per class.The learning objectives of this course are to ensure that students demonstrate an understanding of the following:
Awareness Only.